Exciting News! We have launched our shop at www.everstromnhobbiesshop.com
Our story
Hobbying is an escape for most, including us here at Everstromn Hobbies. We both have day jobs, but try to use this hobby, with all of its facets, to meet others within the community and find people to have an interesting and engaging conversation with, as well as getting inspired by some of the great work others do to make our gaming experiences better and more enjoyable.
Currently we are a 2 person team, doing this as a fun side project outside of daily lives, jobs and stresses. Maybe one day this could be something more, but for now we just want to be part of the amazing community.
I began hobbying like most as a teenager, starting at Magic The Gathering with classmates and then being drawn into the geekdom world from there. Over the years I have dipped my toes into multiple different forms fantasy and sci-fi, with novels, movies, videogames (shout out those old enough to know the original Runescape and Vanilla WoW), comics and cartoons but physical miniature hobbying has been a constant in the background.
The pandemic and work from home situation forced a lot of us to stare at a screen all day, so a hobby taking me away from that became more and more appealing and the love of physical hobbying came back in full force. I have never been a good painter, but what I am now is a more patient painter willing to learn through the great tools and guides the community provide.
These days my hobby focus revolves around TTRPG’s where I DM for a group weekly, 3D printing and painting during the week and then attempting to arrange in person physical gaming sessions with friends wherever possible!
Having been a photographer for over 10 years, I have always loved the idea of merging my profession with a hobby. So when I was asked to photograph the tiny models I saw Everstromn painting every evening I jumped at the chance.
My love of ‘all things geeky’ started back at school, I always hung around with the kids who enjoyed something different and through them I was introduced to a world of science fiction, fantasy and gaming. The term geek had always had negative connotations in the world I was bought up in so it wasn’t until I was older that I decided not to care what other people thought and fully started to embrace 'all things geeky’.
My little geeky world revolves around Harry Potter, boardgames, Doctor Who, and my latest and greatest passion Dungeons and Dragons. Lockdown meant I needed to find an escape from the unrelenting reality and the fantasy world Everstromn and I created gave me that release. Without wanting to sound cheesy, I finally felt at home in the world of geekdom!
Our Passions
3D Printing
A newer technology and process, having a lot of fun playing around with manufacturing my own models, terrain pieces and armies to then be painted and played with. There is something very satisfying about taking a pool of liquid resin in the morning and by the end of the day having a physical miniature on the shelf ready for paint / play. Currently printing with SLA resin but looking to broaden into FDM at some point in the future.
Miniature Painting
Putting paint on models - whether those models are purchased, built or printed directly, the process of sitting down with a brush, some paint and a blank canvas and leaving with a little piece of art you are immensely proud of and want to show off is a magical feeling. Always trying to improve and learn new processes or use new products to get better results.
Hobby Writing
I do a lot of thinking and a lot of pondering - some of it is understandable and a lot of it is not. For me, a hobby is something that we can think on when we need an escape from every day stresses, even if we cannot physically do the hobby itself, and reading others thoughts and putting our own out there is always interesting and engaging.
Tabletop Role Play
A more recent introduction into our Hobbying experience, Role Playing as a group experience is something we are loving and has been a bit of a gateway into the geekdom world for Flossy. In a world where physical contact and meeting up with people for joint experiences has been challenging, the chances where we can go up in value massively. In addition, the option for digital table tops has facilitated more regular meet-ups and kept us in touch with people we may have lost.
Miniature Gaming
So many games and systems out there, far too many to test, understand and master for one person, but that is not going to stop me trying! Really enjoying the drama and event of actually getting models on the table is a fantastic motivator and end point for a lot of hobbying activities, and one we try to do when we can. That can be Rank and Flank, Skirmish Games, Dungeon Diving, RPG’s etc…