An ancient battleground for the Gods and their Champions, now tamed by the three nations of Chaiton, Rynstark & Yapren. As the bodies of Champions breakdown, releasing the energy stored within them, each nation seeks to utilise the crystals to their own end.
In a world where Magic, Nature and Science collide for the same scarce resource, opportunities for brave adventurers to make fortunes or stories can always be found.
Malmir is a high fantasy world built over many years as a place where Everstromn and friends have told stories, created memories and adventured together.
We want to open that world up to you, and from 2025 onwards we will be starting to peel back the curtain on the nations, races, history, locations and stories from within. We would love for you to join us on that journey, either by signing up to our mailing list of purchasing one of our first 4 characters.